Theresa Laurent

Boston Latin Academy

"Black art and culture as seen through my lens"

18" x 24"

There is a rich and diverse scene of black culture and history in Boston which have been swept under therug, throughout the media and our education systems. Black art is sprinkled around everywhere in thecommunity I live, so I wanted to highlight some underrepresented black art throughout my neighborhoodand the black art that I’ve interacted with throughout this year, which included the Roxbury Center for thePerforming Arts, a black-owned professional dance company started by Andrea Major since 1967. Blackart and culture has been shadowed by westernized and Eurocentric forms of media throughout the centuries.It is found everywhere around me and deserves to be in the spotlight.

"the impact of COVID on POC community in terms of their trust in the medical system"

PDF (digital) and Portrait of Collage (physical)
18" x 24"

The epidemic hit communities of color with a greater intensity compared to their white counterparts. Iresearched the resources that were provided for communities of color, this includes food, water, housing,COVID tests and vaccines while also seeing if their trust in the medical system has changed in the past years,due to America's disregard of POC bodily autonomy.